All workshops are accredited and approved in over 26 countries worldwide
by leading holistic insurance groups
Workshops for website
First workshop now called Beginner Students in TBP
Second workshop Advanced Students in TBP
Third Workshop Ambassador Level
The Advanced Student training is open to anyone who has attended the beginners training and is the next stage in your journey in The Balance Procedure {TBP}, the training can be presented live on Zoom, with me or one of my many Ambassadors. Whether you attend the Live or Zoom training, you will become an Advanced Student in TBP were you can join our growing number of trained experts and will be able to to invite your own students and lead them through a TBP session in a professional manner. As all our courses are stand alone and accredited you can be insured by our recommended insurers.
Working with The Balance Procedure is easier to use and much quicker and easier to do than other modalities, working this way is surprisingly effective with the added bonus that your students can leave you with the tools to keep themselves in Balance at all times. There is no need to visit your students pasts looking for things that may or may not be wrong with them. We simply focus on what they want and need and then teach them how to achieve these goals.
This year I am excited to introduce into the Advanced Student Training The Balance Labyrinth Concept, this is a completely new way of working with energy and supplements TBP seamlessly. It’s long been recognised that our subconscious thoughts dictate the way we think and act and forms much of our belief system. As our beliefs massively dictate our behaviour finding a way of transforming these beliefs is very important. We literally have thousands of these self limiting beliefs or stuck energy, I call these Shadow Memories, in many people they are hardly an issue but in others they can be completely debilitating, causing them lifelong problems.
Working with TBP and my Balance Labyrinth Concept these shadow memories can be transformed very effectively.